The Highways of North Carolina
N.C. 18 
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Photo: NC 18 leaving its northern terminus of NC 89 (Mapmikey)
NC 18
N.C. 18  148 miles
The Road: Begins at NC 89 near Low Gap (Alleghany County) and ends at the South Carolina State Line below Shelby (Cleveland County). The route continues another 37 miles as SC 18 to end at US 176/SC 215 Union, SC.
Towns and Attractions: Surry Co: Blue Ridge Pkwy
Alleghany Co: Sparta, Blue Ridge Pkwy
Wilkes Co: Mulberry, Fairplains, North Wilkesboro, Wilkesboro, Moravian Falls
Caldwell Co: Lenoir, Gamewell
Burke Co: Morganton
Catawba Co: None
Lincoln Co: None
Cleveland Co: Fallston, Shelby
History: NC 18 is an original state highway that initially ran from NC 20 (now US 74 Bus) Shelby north to Morganton where it crossed its parent NC 10, then northeast through Lenoir and ending at NC 67 (now "Old NC 16-18") Moravian Falls.
In 1925, NC 18 was extended south to South Carolina as new primary routing. It certainly looks as though it used today's 18 routing. However, the 1926 Official clearly shows a brief duplex with NC 20 east and proceeding south to South Carolina via Patterson Springs and Earl, crossing the state line on Betts Rd.
1925 Official
NC 18 extended to SC
1925 Official
1926 Official
NC 18 through Patterson Sprs.
1926 Official
1930 Official
NC 18 straight to the border
1930 Official

In 1929, NC 18 was rerouted in the Enola area south of Morganton. Orignially, NC 18 followed Enola Rd south of Broughton State Hospital through Enola. Now NC 18 followed "Old NC 18" through Sunnyside on its way southward.
Also In 1929, NC 18 was extended north through Wilkesboro and N. Wilkesboro before ending at US 21/NC 26 Sparta. This was a renumbering of a section of NC 67.
By 1930, NC 18 was removed from Pleasant Grove Church Rd above Shelby; Wilson Dr in Fallston; Lutz Rd above Fallston
In 1930, NC 18 was straightened out south of Shelby to today's routing, leaving behind secondary roads that would later be parts of NC 226 and NC 180.
In late 1930, NC 18 was extended northeast as new primary routing to NC 89.
1924 Official
NC 18 initial routing
1924 Official
1928 Gen Draft
NC 67 Wilkesboro to Sparta
1928 Gen Draft
1929 Official
NC 18 Wilkesboro to Sparta
1929 Official
1930 Official
NC 18 extended to NC 89
1930 Official

In Cecil Brown's 1931 book describing the development of the North Carolina Highway System, there is a story related to NC 18 south of Shelby. There was a debate whether NC 18 should serve the piece of Cleveland County southwest of Shelby that was south of the Broad River so that those residents would come to Shelby for their commerce instead of going to Gaffney, SC. On the other hand, a direct route south would essentially force South Carolina to build the highway bridge over the Broad River -- a substantial savings to North Carolina. You see which option was eventually chosen...
In May 1932 (AASHO), there was a serious movement to get NC 18 redesignated as US 21-W, which AASHO squelched.
In 1937 or 1938, NC 18 was rerouted in Morganton from Sterling/Green/Avery to Sterling/College/Union/Green/Avery. Note that some of the Sterling routing above College was using what is now State Rd.
Also in 1937 or 1938, NC 18 was removed from the lengthy Hartland Rd between Morganton and Lenoir.
Between 1945-49, NC 18 was removed from Cub Creek Church Rd/Herbal Ingenuity Way and Brown's Temple Church Rd loops south of Wilkesboro.
In 1948 or 1949, NC 18 was rerouted to bypass central Lenoir. Harper Ave became NC 18-A (now just Harper Ave).

1944 Caldwell County
NC 18 through Lenoir
1944 Caldwell County
1949 Caldwell County
NC 18-A through Lenoir
1949 Caldwell County

In 1943 or 1944, NC 18's routing in North Wilkesboro changed. Before, NC 18 used 6th St north from B St. to Hinshaw then northeast on SR 1517 out to the current NC 18-268 split area. Afterwards it used B St to 2nd St.
Between 1945-47, NC 18 was removed from Old Gaffney Rd below Shelby.
Also between 1945-47, NC 18 was removed from SR 1729 Old NC 18 near Mulberry Gap
About 1947, NC 18 was removed from Crews Rd/Mt Carmel Church Rd near Moravian Falls.
In 1952, NC 18 was rerouted again south of Morganton onto its current alignment, leaving behind "Old NC 18" which clipped Cleveland County and avoided Catawba County entirely.

1926 Official
NC 18 through Enola (1921-28)
1926 Official
1930 Burke County map
NC 18 bypasses Enola (1929-51)
1930 Burke County
1953 Official
NC 18 on modern alignment
1953 Official

Between 1954-57, NC 18 was rerouted in Morganton from Sterling/College/Union/Green/Avery to Sterling/Concord/Green/Avery.

1936 Burke County map
NC 18 original Morganton route
1936 Burke County
1938 Burke County
NC 18 rerouted via College
1938 Burke County
1962 Burke County
NC 18 rerouted off College
1962 Burke County

Between 1958-62, NC 18 was placed on one-way pairs in Shelby: SB used the original route on Lafayette St; NB used Graham/Washington/Marion
Also between 1958-62, NC 18 was removed from Lower Creek Dr northeast of Lenoir
In May 1962 (NCDOT), NC 18 was rerouted in N. Wilkesboro. Originally it used B St. Now, there was a one-way pair with NB using 10th and SB using Forester between Wilkesboro Blvd and D St. NC 18 then used D St east to 6th, then south back to B St.
In March 1966 (NCDOT), NC 18 was restored in Shelby to use Lafayette in boyh directions.

1953 Cleveland County map
NC 18 on Lafayette
1953 Cleveland County
1962 Cleveland County map
NC 18 on one-way pairs
1962 Cleveland County
1972 Cleveland County map
NC 18 back to just Lafayette
1972 Cleveland County

In December 1969 (NCDOT), NC 18 was rerouted through Moravian Falls to the current routing leaving behind "Old NC 16-18", Fletcher St and Corporation St.

1968 Official
NC 18 initial Moravian Falls route
1968 Official
1969 Official
NC 18 moved out to new NC 16
1969 Official

Between 1968-72, NC 18 was rerouted in Morganton from Sterling/College/Union/Green/Avery to one-way pairs. NB used Sterling/Green/Avery and SB used Avery/Sterling.
In May 1977 (NCDOT), NC 18 was rerouted in Morganton to a different set of one-way pairs. NB became Sterling/Green/Meeting/Bouchelle/Avery and SB became Avery/Bouchelle/Union/Sterling.
In August 1978 (NCDOT), NC 18-268 through N. Wilkesboro formed a "square", using A St, 6th St, D St, and CBD Loop.

1936 Wilkes County
NC 18 initially using 6th/Hinshaw
1936 Wilkes County
1953 Wilkes County map
NC 18 using 2nd St
1953 Wilkes County
1968 Wilkes County map
NC 18 one way pair
1968 Wilkes County
1982 Wilkes County map
NC 18 using CBD Loop
1982 Wilkes County

In April 1992 (NCDOT), NC 18 was returned to NB using Sterling/Green/Avery and SB using Avery/Sterling. Eric Calhoun had reported to Matt Steffora in 2001 that NC 18 was rerouted in 1977 in order to get state funding to widen Bouchelle Street.

1972 Burke County map
NC 18 given one-way pairs
1972 Burke County
1980 Burke County map
NC 18 with new one-way pairs
1980 Burke County
2007 Burke County map
NC 18 goes back to the original one-way pairs
2007 Burke County

In 1993 (bridge date), NC 18 was moved from Wilkesboro Blvd to Wilkesboro Rd across the Yadkin River.

Comments: There is a signed NC 18 Truck in Shelby that follows NC 150 up to US 74 Business, then continues up DeKalb St to NC 18 Grove St. There is also a signed NC 18 Truck in Morganton that follows US 70 around the south of town, then US 64 around the west of town.
NC 18 is nearly a border to border route but connecting it to today's VA 18 would be too complicated!

Last Update: 21 March 2025

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