The Highways of North Carolina
N.C. 213 
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Photo: NC 213 from Old US 19-23 (Adam Prince)
NC 213
N.C. 213  17 miles
The Road: Begins at SR 1149 Walnut and ends at I-26, US 19-23 Mars Hill, all within Madison County.
Towns and Attractions: Madison Co: Walnut, Marshall, Mars Hill
History: NC 213 appeared about 1928 as a renumbering of NC 69, running from US 25-70/NC 20 (now Rollins Rd) Marshall to US 19/NC 69 (now Middle Fork Rd) near Forks of Ivy.
By 1930, NC 213 was straightened out between Petersburg and Mars Hill, leaving behind SRs 1428/1128/1569/1570 Old 213/Bull Creek Rd.
In 1930, NC 213 was extended west as new routing to Canto, then replaced NC 63 west to Trust.
In 1934, NC 213 was rerouted at Mars Hill to head east to US 19-23 at the north end of Middle Fork Rd, replacing NC 31. NC 213 southeast from Mars Hill became part of NC 36 (now just SR 1609 Main St).
In 1939 (bridge date), NC 213 was removed from its original Mardhall approach that passes underneath the railroad to connect with a rerouted US 25-70.
About 1947, NC 213 east was truncated slightly to NC 36 (now US 23-A), leaving behind a bit of California Creek Rd and a rerouted US 19-23.

1926 Official
NC 69, Marshall to Mars Hill
1926 Official
1928 Gen Draft
NC 213 replaces NC 69
1928 Gen Draft
1935 Gen Draft
NC 213 replaces NC 31, too
1935 Gen Draft
1947 Gen Draft
NC 213 replaced by US 19-23 and NC 36A
1947 Gen Draft

In 1951, NC 213 west was truncated to US 25-70 Marshall, leaving behind SR 1001 from Marshall to Canto and NC 63 from Canto to Trust.
In October 1975 (NCDOT), NC 213 was extended east over mostly new construction out to its current I-26/US 19-23 endpoint. The route northeast out to US 19-23 became part of NC 36 (now SR 1609 Main St).

1929 Official
NC 63 Trust to Canto
1929 Official
1938 Official
NC 213 replaces NC 63 in Madison Co.
1938 Official
1951 Official
NC 63 re-extends to Trust
1951 Official

About 1977, NC 213 was straightened out between Marshall and Petersburg, leaving behind SR 1611 Silvers Mill Rd.
1974-75 Official
NC 213 northeast out of Mars Hill
1974-75 Official
1979-80 Official
NC 213 east out of Mars Hill
1979-80 Official

In September 1981 (NCDOT), NC 213 was removed from downtown Marshall and instead placed on the Marshall Bypass and over to the Walnut turn-off, then replacing SR 1147 to SR 1151 Barnard Rd in Walnut. This left behind SR 1198 Hayes Run Rd into Marshall.
In 2003, NC Officials started showing the stub into Walnut as a colored primary route. When I had driven US 25-70 in 2000, field postings did not indicate where NC 213 stopped being with US 25-70. Adam Prince found a NC 213 shield in Walnut in 2008 but it was gone by 2013 GMSV and as of this writing is not posted west of the US 25-70 Bus junction west of Marshall. The current Madison County map still shows NC 213 into Walnut.
1979 Official
NC 213 to central Marshall
1979 Official
1982-83 Official
NC 213 put onto US 25-70
1982-83 Official
2009 Official
NC 213 into Walnut
2009 Official

Comment: DeLorme Maps show an "Old NC 213" west of Mars Hill that dips way south to an illogical place. This is an error...NC 213 never wandered down that way.
NC 213 is a good cutoff between Marshall and Mars Hill, but the Walnut extension seems a little silly.
Wayne Henderson provides this information regarding NC 213 west of Marshall: In the 1970s, there were plans for NC 213 to be extended over what is secondary route 1151 through the tiny communities of Barnard, Worley, and Big Pine before ending at NC 209 at the community of Spring Creek. While some of SR 1151 was improved, right-of-way issues around Troublesome Gap halted the improvement project.

Last Update: 7 March 2025

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