Formerly: |
US 411 appeared in 1932 as the second US 411 nationally. It ran entirely in North Carolina from US 1-74/NC 20-50 Rockingham north via Greensboro to end at US 311/NC 77 Madison.
US 411 was added to US 15/NC 75 from Rockingham to Norman; NC 170 from Norman to Candor; NC 70 from Candor to Greensboro; NC 704 from Greensboro to Madison.
A closer look at US 411's routing:
US 411 originally began at US 1 in central Rockingham and followed then-US 74 Washington St out to present 74 Business westbound. US 411 split north at Ellerbe Rd which it followed to US 220 which it used toward Ellerbe except for Billy Covington Rd.
US 411 then followed US 220 Business through Ellerbe, then US 220-A north to Candor. At NC 211, US 411 went west on SR 1579 to loop up over to US 220-A. US 411 then followed US 220 ALT to Star, then used McBride Lumber Rd and 220 ALT to Ether. US 411 then used Cagle Rd which is now cutoff by I-73/74; Odom Dr; Plantation Circle; Asbury Church Rd. At Asbury, US 411 headed northeast on Gap Rd/Old US 220, then NC 705 to Seagrove.
US 411 followed US 220 ALT to US 220 Business which it used through Ulah and Asheboro except for Cedar Grove Rd and possible an "Old State Hwy" loop. Randleman, and Level Cross. US 411 then followed Randleman Rd north to the outskirts of Greensboro.
In Greensboro, US 411 cut east on O'Connor St from Randleman to Elm, then north to Battleground Rd.
US 411 used Old Battleground Rd, then current 220, then Summerfield Rd through Summerfield. US 411 used Spotswood Rd in the US 158 vicinity. US 411 initially followed Farrar Store Rd, then NC 65 west, Sylvania Rd and NC 68. US 411 followed current 220 north except the SR 1121, 2325, and 1124 loops.
US 411 followed US 220 Business through Madison where it ended at US 311.
In 1933, US 411 was rerouted in Greensboro to follow Elm north to Asheboro St (then US 421), northwest to Edwards Pl west to Greene St north to Price St northeast to N. Elm St north to Wendover Ave west to Winstead Pl west to Northwood St west to Battleground Ave (current US 220).
US 411's initial Greensboro routing
1932 Texaco
US 411's last Greensboro routing
1934 Gousha
In late 1934, US 411 was renumbered as US 220.
US 411 Rockingham to Asheboro
1934 Gen Draft
US 220 Rockingham to Asheboro
1935 Gen Draft
US 311/411 Asheboro to Va.
1933 Official
US 220 Asheboro to Va.
1935 Gen Draft