1933 Route Log 
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Road Data: July 1933, Virginia Department of Highways
Distance Data: No distances given
Notes: This is the official 1933 route log of Virginia, scanned in its entirety. The logbook contained a listing of all routes' descriptions followed by a list of all the routes like the one on the reverse of the July 1933 Official map, followed by a list of 17 legislatively named routes in place at that time.

Click on the thumbnails below to see the scanned pages of the logbook.

July 1933

US 1-VA 4

VA 4-US 15

US 15-VA 26

VA 26-40

VA 41-54

VA 55-63

VA 64-81

VA 81-100

VA 101-119

VA 120-136

VA 137-153

VA 154-168

VA 168-189

VA 190-207

VA 208-226

VA 227-241

VA 242-259

VA 259-276

VA 277-501

List: 1-77

List: 78-163

List: 164-249

List: 250-501
Legislative names

Legislative names