The Highways of South Carolina County List 

The following is a list of the 46 counties and county seats of the Palmetto State. The number is the same number that corresponds to that county's secondary road network.

1. Abbeville (Abbeville)
2. Aiken (Aiken)
3. Allendale (Allendale)
4. Anderson (Anderson)
5. Bamberg (Bamberg)
6. Barnwell (Barnwell)
7. Beaufort (Beaufort)
8. Berkeley (Moncks Corner)
9. Calhoun (St. Matthews)
10. Charleston (Charleston)
11. Cherokee (Gaffney)
12. Chester (Chester)
13. Chesterfield (Chesterfield)
14. Clarendon (Manning)
15. Colleton (Walterboro)
16. Darlington (Darlington)
17. Dillon (Dillon)
18. Dorchester (St. George)
19. Edgefield (Edgefield)
20. Fairfield (Winnsboro)
21. Florence (Florence)
22. Georgetown (Georgetown)
23. Greenville (Greenville)
24. Greenwood (Greenwood)
25. Hampton (Hampton)
26. Horry (Conway)
27. Jasper (Ridgeland)
28. Kershaw (Camden)
29. Lancaster (Lancaster)
30. Laurens (Laurens)
31. Lee (Bishopville)
32. Lexington (Lexington)
33. Marion (Marion)
34. Marlboro (Bennettsville)
35. McCormick (McCormick)
36. Newberry (Newberry)
37. Oconee (Seneca)
38. Orangeburg (Orangeburg)
39. Pickens (Pickens)
40. Richland (Columbia)
41. Saluda (Saluda)
42. Spartanburg (Spartanburg)
43. Sumter (Sumter)
44. Union (Union)
45. Williamsburg (Kingstree)
46. York (York)

Last Update: 16 July 2007

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