TN 62: 0 - 0
TN 190 EB: 9.2 - 9.2
TN 190 WB: 1.2 - 10.4
KY STATE LINE: 4.4 - 14.8
Creation: Appeared in 1939 or 1940 running generally as it does today. A decade earlier this was briefly the description for TN 89.
Adjustments: In 1954, TN 118 was rebuilt on modern alignments. This left behind N. Fuller St in Dresden; Red hill Rd, Old Lathan Rd; a bunch of abandoned alignments to north of Cypress Creek, nearly all on the west side; Old State Rd 118 through Latham; abandoned alignment to the west at the Obion River; Wall Loop Rd; abandoned routing and some Mayo Rd
Posting: Posted as secondary throughout.
Secret US Route Overlay: None
Comment: TN 118 ends at an intersection on the state line with KY 129 going both left and straight ahead.

TN 118 out of Dresden
1940 Official