The Highways of North Carolina
N.C. 121 
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Photo: NC 121 from NC 43 (Jimmy Storey)
NC 121
N.C. 121  7.6 miles
The Road: Begins at I-587/US 258 near Farmville and ends at NC 43 Bruce, all within Pitt County
Towns and Attractions: Pitt Co: Farmville
History: NC 121 appeared in 1939 as new routing. It ran from US 258-264 Farmville to NC 43 Bruce.
In July 1988 (NCDOT), two pieces of the US 264 freeway opened. NC 121 was extended west from Farmville over what had been US 264-A, then duplexed with US 264, then replaced a bit of US 264 west to NC 91 above Walstonburg.
In June 1999 (NCDOT), NC 121 was rerouted to US 264 nort of Walstonburg. The part over to NC 91 became an extended US 264-A.
In March 2024 (NCDOT), NC 121 was truncated to the I-587 interchange by replacing SR 1221 northeast of Farmville. The old route to Farmville became SR 1351 Main St; SR 1347 on the former US 258 Bus overlay on Wilson St; SR 1350 Wilson St west out of Farmville; a small bit of US 264; the short connector to I-587 above Walstonburg. Posting changes occurred a bit before then, per GMSV.

1941-42 Official
NC 121 Farmville to Bruce
1941-42 official
1990-91 Official
NC 121 extended to NC 91
1990-91 official
2002 Official
NC 121 rerouted to US 264 freeway
2002 official

The first NC 121 appeared in 1930 as new primary routing, running from NC 12 (now US 70/258-NC 58 jct) Kinston south to NC 24 near Richlands.
In 1932, US 258 was assigned to NC 121.
In late 1934, NC 121 was dropped from the numbering system.

1932 Gousha
NC 121 Farmville to Bruce
1932 Gousha
1935 Gousha
NC 121 swallowed by US 258
1935 Gousha

Comment: I drove NC 121 a number of years ago and remember nothing about it...

Last Update: 12 July 2024

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