The Highways of North Carolina
N.C. 181 
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Photo: NC 181 from US 64 Business and NC 18 (Mark Clifton)
NC 181
N.C. 181  40 miles
The Road: Begins at US 64-70 Bus/NC 18 Morganton (Burke County) and ends at NC 194 Newland (Avery County)
Towns and Attractions: Burke Co: Morganton, Pisgah Nat'l Forest
Avery Co: Blue Ridge Pkwy, Linville, Newland

History: NC 181 appeared about 1928 as new primary routing, running from NC 18 Morganton to Pineola, then west to end at NC 194.
In 1929, NC 181 was extended southwest as new primary routing to end at NC 19 (now Old US 221) Ruth.
In 1930, NC 181 was rerouted at Pineola to replace NC 176 to Linville, then replace NC 175 to Newland. Pineola west to NC 194 became NC 691 (now mostly SRs 1503/1504 with a little US 221).

1928 Gen Draft
N.C. 181 west of Pineola
1928 Gen Draft
1930 Official
N.C. 181 rerouted to Newland
1930 Official

In late 1934, NC 181 was extended southwest replacing NC 19 to end at US 176 Tryon.
In 1940, NC 181 from Tryon to Rutherfordton became NC 108. THe route through Rutherfordton had been Ridgecrest north to Pine to Mitchell to W. Court east to then-US 74 N. Washington St.

1933 Official
NC 19 Rutherfordton to Tryon
1935 Gen Draft
1935 General Drafting
NC 181 Rutherfordton to Tryon
1935 Gen Draft
1940 Official
NC 108 replaces NC 181
1940 Official

Also in 1940, NC 181 from Rutherfordton to Morganton was renumbered as US 64-A (now US 64 and US 64 Bus). The highway was also removed from Salem Rd below Morganton around this time.

1929 Official
N.C. 181 extended to Ruth
1929 Official
1946 Official
N.C. 181 replaced by US 64-A
1946 Official

Between 1968-72, NC 181 was split into one-way streets in Morganton - NB used the original route on Green St while SB used Sterling St
In May 1977 (NCDOT), NC 181 one-way pair was exteded south replacing NC 18 to end at US 64-70 Bus/NC 18.
NC 181 in Morganton was cut back to rerouted NC 18 Green St.

1962 Burke County
NC 181 original routing
1962 Burke County
1972 Burke County map
NC 181 given one-way pairs
1972 Burke County
1980 Burke County map
NC 181 extended to US 64-70 Bus
1980 Burke County

In September 1991 (NCDOT), NC 181 was rerouted to the west of Linville, leaving behind Linville Av and a rerouted US 221.

1968 Avery County
N.C. 181 through Linville
1968 Avery County
2009 Avery County
N.C. 181 bypasses Linville
2009 Avery County

Comment: Matt Steffora reported on this route:

From a hard-driving standpoint, 181 is an excellent hillclimb road. First, it's quite long. The ascent's about 15 miles, with a couple of brief descents thrown in before the road resumes its climb. The curves themselves range from sweeping to moderately tight, but there's nothing nasty and there are (or should be) no harsh surprises. Unless you've got a Testarossa or something you won't be straying too far from the speed limit, always a plus. While 181 is no BRP, the visibility and scenery on 181 are superb, with Grandfather Mountain always looming in the distance -- this isn't one of those secluded mountain roads with all switchbacks and little scenery. Best of all, the extra hillclimb (and hill-descent) lanes allow plenty of opportunities to politely blow by the slower folk. And once you get to the top, you have plenty more entertainment options: Linville Falls, The Parkway, Grandfather Mountain, Boone, Blowing Rock. Your call.

Mile markers are posted on 181 where it ascends the Blue Ridge. Their existence is unusual in several ways, firstly because 181 is one of the very few surface roads in the state that has them. Also, no mile markers are posted near Morganton. The mile markers start a few miles north of town, and the first one is Mile 13 (increasing northbound). But at "Mile 13" it's much less than 13 miles to 181's southern terminus!
181 slices through the Pisgah National Forest as it ascends the Blue Ridge. The road's elevation ranges from 1200 feet in Morganton to almost 4000 feet just south of the Blue Ridge Parkway. The road runs right alongside the Parkway for the better part of a mile.

I have driven the NC 181 descent and it is pretty hard on your brakes with the long continuous decline

Last Update: 21 March 2025

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