The Highways of North Carolina
N.C. 215 
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Photo: NC 215 from the I-40 west off-ramp (Matt Craig)
NC 215
N.C. 215  42 miles
The Road: Begins at US 64 near Rosman (Transylvania County) and ends at I-40 Canton (Haywood County).
Towns and Attractions: Transylvania Co: Pisgah Nat'l Forest
Jackson Co: None
Haywood Co: Canton
NC 215 appeared in September 1967 (NCDOT) as an upgrade to Transylvania SRs 1321, 1369 and 1368; Jackson SR 1776; Haywood SRs 1111; renumbering of NC 110 (really).
In December 1984 (NCDOT), NC 215 was moved from Penland St to Reed St in Canton. This eliminated a one-way pair, where NC 215 NB used Penland and Park (US 19-23 SB) and NC 215 SB used Main (US 19-23 NB) to Penland.
Between 1989-95, NC 215 was removed from Old Clyde Rd and Woodside Dr in Canton.

<1967 Haywood County
NC 110 in Canton
1967 Haywood County
<1968 Haywood County
NC 215 replaces NC 110
1967 Haywood County
1969 Official
NC 215 Rosman to Canton
1969 Official

The original NC 215 appeared in 1930 running from US 74/NC 20 (now US 74 Bus) Kings Mountain south to the South Carolina line.
In 1937, NC 215 was renumbered as NC 161 to match the older SC 161.

1933 Official
Original NC 215
1933 Official
1938 General Drafting
NC 161 replaces NC 215
1938 General Drafting

Comment: I am unclear why NC 215 below US 276 is not an extension of NC 110. And what is the point of having both NC 110 and NC 215 run up to Canton from US 276?
NC 215 is a fairly rustic mountain road with plenty of turns and narrowness for everyone. I can tell you from personal experience NC 215 was really pretty after a few inches of snow in 1988.

Last Update: 13 March 2025

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