The Highways of North Carolina
U.S. 17 
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Photo: An old brick segment of US 17 still survives in the Ernul area (Mapmikey)
US 17
U.S. 17  284 miles
The Road: Enters from South Carolina near Calabash (Brunswick County) and ends at the Virginia state line above South Mills (Camden County). Nationally the road runs from US 41 Punta Gorda, FL to US 11-50-522 Winchester, VA
Towns and Attractions: Brunswick Co.: Shalotte, USS North Carolina Battleship  
New Hanover Co.: Wrightsboro, Wilmington  
Pender Co.: Hampstead  
Onslow Co.: Holly Ridge, Jacksonville  
Jones Co.: Maysville, Pollocksville  
Craven Co.: New Bern, Vanceboro  
Beaufort Co.: Chocowinity, Washington  
Martin Co.: Williamston  
Bertie Co.: Windsor  
Chowan Co.: Edenton  
Perquirmans Co.: Hertford  
Pasquotank Co.: Elizabeth City  
Camden Co.: South Mills, Great Dismal Swamp  
History: US 17 is an original US Highway from late 1926, running from South Carolina at Fair Bluff to Wilmington (had been US 76 in the 1925 plan) then northward through Jacksonville, New Bern, Williamston, and Elizabeth City into Virginia. US 17 was added to NC 202 from SC to Chadbourn; NC 20 to Wilmington; NC 30 to Windsor; NC 342 to Elizabeth City; NC 34 to Morgans Corner; NC 341 to Virginia.

1927 Rand McN
US 13 Wilmington up the coast to Virginia
1927 Rand McN
1931 Clasons
US 17 gets the nod
1931 Clasons

It entered from South Carolina at Fair Bluff using Causey Rd and headed east to Chadbourn along today's US 76. Then US 17 headed east with today's US 74-76 Bus through Chadbourn and Whiteville (except used "old US 74" loop at Pine Log Branch.
East of Whiteville, US 17 followed today's NC 214 through Hallsboro, Lake Waccamaw and Bolton. Then US 17 followed today's US 74-76 through Delco. At Leland, US 17 followed Old Mill Rd to Village Rd NE. US 17 followed this to Belville, then used the closed causeway just south of current US 17-74-76 across the Brunswick River.
US 17 used a ferry directly across into Wilmington onto Market St out of town. Leaving Wilmington US 17 used today's 17 Business and US 17 to Jacksonville except it used Old US 17 through Verona. US 17's original Jacksonville routing used SR 1402 Old Bridge St east to Court St north to Chaney Ave east which curls north back to today's US 17 Business.
North of Jacksonville, US 17 followed its current route except used US 17 Business through Maysville and Main St to US 17 Business through Pollocksville to the Trent River.
US 17 used the Old Pollocksville Road segments and approached New Bern on Trent Blvd and Pollock St. to Front St, then north to Johnson St east across the river to Bridgeton via Bridge St then B St north. US 17 then followed Old Vanceboro Rd (2 segments); Forest Rd; Old Brick Rd. The 1930 Craven County map clearly shows US 17/NC 30 using these old alignments. NC 30 used most of 17 Business through Vanceboro. If US 17 used Old Washington Rd to nearly Beaufort County it stopped doing so before 1929.
US 17 followed US 17 Business through Chocowinity and Washington, with only a slight alignment change east between the Tar-Pamlico Bridge and Wichards Beach Rd. US 17 followed its current routing to Williamston, then used today's US 17 Business through town except used Riverside Dr at the north end. US 17 then picked back up US 13-17 to Windsor, using US 13 Business to downtown, then NC 308 east to current US 17. US 17 then followed this out and on over to the Chowan River.
US 17 used US 17 Business through Edenton, then US 17 towards Hertford. There, US 17 followed US 17 Bus into town, then NC 37 to Winfall. US 17 then used Main St Ext east back out to US 17. US 17 used Old US 17 through Woodville.
US 17 used the original US 17 bypass of Elizabeth City to today's US 158 east to US 17 Business, then north out of town.
US 17 followed Road St out to US 158, then used Northside Dr to Morgans Corner (except an abandoned brick segment halfway there), then Old US 17, a bit of US 17, then US 17 Business through South Mills. From here, US 17 followed current US 17 to Virginia except it stayed behind the current welcome center.
In 1929, US 17 was rerouted onto today's US 76 from the SC line to Fair Bluff.

1926 Official
NC 202 stays north of RR into S.C.
1926 Official
1929 Official
US 17/NC 202 rerouted at Fair Bluff
1929 Official

Also in 1929, US 17 was rerouted to follow today's NC 133 routing north of Belville in a loop to cross the Cape Fear River and the NE Cape Fear River. US 17 then headed south on 3rd St to Market.

1922 Auto Trails
NC 20 ferry to Wilmington, Wrightsville Ave
1922 Auto Trails
1930 County
NC 20 bridge to Wilmington, Oleander Dr
1930 New Hanover County

By 1930, US 17 was rerouted in New Bern to head north on George St from Pollock St to Broad, then east to Front and north to Johnson.
In 1931, US 17 was removed from Old Pollocksville Rd west of New Bern and also placed onto modern US 17 and 17 Business from Bridgeton through Vanceboro to Beaufort County. These old alignments in Craven County were narrow brick roads. One segment of this still survives - Ernul Brick Rd is still a VERY narrow brick road.
Between 1931-36, US 17 was removed from the Main St approach to Elizabeth City to the current US 17 Business approach.
In late 1934, US 17 was totally rerouted below Wilmington:
It was placed on the general corridor of today's US 17 from the South Carolina line through Shalotte and Bolivia to Belville. This replaced US 117/NC 30. The old route from S.C. to Chadbourn became US 76 and Chadbourn to Belville became US 74-76.

1927 RMcN
US 76 west of Wilmington
1927 RMcN
1933 Official
US 17 west of Wilmington and US 117 south of Wilmington
1933 Official
1935 Official
US 74-76 west of Wilmington and US 17 south of Wilmington
1935 Official

Between 1939-44, US 17 was rerouted to the current US 17 Business routing through Jacksonville.
Also between 1939-44, US 17 was removed from abandoned brick alignment halfway between Elizabeth City and Morgans Corner.
In 1945 or 1946, US 17 was placed on upgraded routing to avoid Winfall, using today's US 17 Business.
Between 1950-53, US 17 was rerouted in New Bern to stay on Broad St across a new bridge over the Neuse, then replaced a bit of NC 55 on C St.

1926 Auto Trails
US 17 in New Bern (1927-30)
1926 Auto Trails
1949 Craven County Map
US 17 in New Bern (1930-early 50s)
1949 Craven County
1953 Craven County Map
US 17 in New Bern (early 50s-1960)
1953 Craven County

About 1953, US 17 was placed on a bypass of central Elizabeth City, leaving behind US 17-A (now US 17 Bus).

1930 Pasquotank County
US 17 using Main
1930 Pasquotank County
1936 Pasquotank County
US 17 using Eringhaus
1936 Pasquotank County
1953 Perquirmans County
US 17 bypasses Elizabeth City
1953 Perquirmans County
2004 Official
US 17 bypasses everything
2004 Official

About 1954, US 17 was placed on a new bypass around Williamston. The old route became US 17-A (now 17 Business).
In 1957, US 17 was placed on a bypass around the east side of Windsor, leaving behind US 17-A (Now US 13 Bus and NC 308).
On Feb 2, 1958 South Carolina submitted an application to AASHO to renumber US 17 as US 5. None of the other states that would've been involved submitted an application, which SC was expecting.
In 1960, US 17 was removed from Trent Blvd and Pollock St in New Bern and put on the current US 17 Bus and Broad St (partly NC 55 today).
In 1961, US 17 was placed on an eastern bypass of Vanceboro leaving behind US 17 Business.

1960 Official
US 17 through Vanceboro
1960 Official
1961 Official
US 17 bypasses Vanceboro
1961 Official

In 1966, US 17 was placed on its southern bypass of Hertford leaving behind US 17 Business.

1944 Perquirmans County
US 17 through Winfall
1944 Perquirmans County
1949 Perquirmans County
US 17 avoids Winfall
1949 Perquirmans County
1968 Perquirmans County
US 17 bypasses Hertford
1968 Perquirmans County

In April 1966 (NCDOT), US 17 was removed from now-SR 1243 Mullen St along the Dismal Swamp canal in South Mills and instead replaced SRs 1241 Main St, SR 1242, and a bit of NC 343 to curl around the north end of South Mills.

1962 Camden County
US 17 along canal
1962 Camden County
1968 Camden County
US 17 swings wide
1968 Camden County

In Sept 1969 (NCDOT), US 17 was rerouted to enter Wilmington on a new bridge directly from Belville to downtown Wilmington. NB US 17 then used Dawson St and 17th St to Market St. SB used 16th St and Wooster St. 16th and 17th had been part of US 76 but the rest was new primary routing. The old route became US 421 north, then NC 133 across the Cape Fear and NE Cape Fear Rivers. 3rd St and Market St out to 16th became unnumbered for a while.
In Feb 1972 (NCDOT), US 17 was given its bypass of Woodville leaving behind Old US 17 Rd and Marian Av.
In Sept 1975 (NCDOT), US 17 was rerouted at Belville to its current US 74-76 approach, leaving behind SR 1551 Blackwell Rd.
In Aug 1977 (NCDOT), US 17 was given its northern bypass of Edenton leaving behind US 17 Business.

1975-76 Official
US 17 through Edenton
1975-76 Official
1978-79 Official
US 17 bypasses Edenton
1978-79 Official

In Jan 1978 (NCDOT), US 17 was placed on new construction in the vicinity of what is now the south end of US 17 Business for Wilmington west of the Cape Fear River.
In June 1980 (NCDOT), US 17 was put on a new alignment in the Town Creek area, leaving behind SR 1701 Zion Church Rd.
In Sept 1984 (NCDOT), US 17 was placed on new alignment west of South Mills. This left behind US 17 Business.
In Nov 1984 (NCDOT), US 17 was placed on new alignment north of Elizabeth City bypassing Morgans Corner. This left behind Northside Dr and Old US 17 Morgans Corner Rd.

1982-83 Official
US 17 original route
1982-83 Official
1990-91 Official
US 17 bypasses South Mills
1990-91 Official

In July 1991 (NCDOT), US 17 was placed on a new bypass of Bolivia leaving behind US 17 Business.
In Aug 1992 (NCDOT), US 17 was placed on a new bypass to the north of Shalotte leaving behind US 17 Business

1984-85 Official
US 17 through Shalotte and Bolivia
1984-85 Official
1993 Official
US 17 bypasses Shalotte and Bolivia
1993 Official

In May 2000 (NCDOT), US 17 was removed from New Bern altogether and sent with the existing US 70 freeway east, then north across a new Neuse River Bridge to connect up with US 17 onD St in Bridgeton. Broad St in New Bern became US 70 Business.
About 2003, US 17 was rebuilt to bypass Verona leaving SR 1122 Old US Hwy 17.
In Sept 2003 (NCDOT), US 17 was placed on the US 13-64 freeway around Williamston, leaving behind more US 17 Business and a little US 64-A.

1953 Martin County
US 17 through Williamston
1953 Martin County
1957 Martin County
US 17 bypasses Williamston
1957 Martin County
2004 Official
US 17 added to new freeway
2004 Official

In July 2006 (NCDOT), US 17 was rerouted again at Belville to proceed north with US 421/NC 133 to the new I-140, then US 17 followed I-140 all the way over to the longtime US 17 near the Pender County line. The old route into downtown became an extended US 17 Bus; Wooster/Dawson remained US 76; 16th/17th became unnumbered; Market St east of 16th out to the new US 17 freeway became more extended US 17 Business.
In Nov 2006 (NCDOT), US 17 was put on the existing NC 24 freeway around the east of Jacksonville and continued on new freeway back to US 17 near Western Blvd. The old route became US 17 Business.
In 2008, US 17 was sent around the west side of Windsor with US 13, then used new freeway to the north of Windsor. This left behind the current Windsor US 17 Business.
1955 Official
US 17 through Windsor
1955 Official
1958 Official
US 17 bypasses Windsor
1958 Official
2009 Official
US 17 bypasses Windsor again
2009 Official

In Feb 2011 (NCDOT), US 17 was placed on new freeway around the east of Chocowinity and around the west of Washington. The old route through these cities became US 17 Business.

2009 Official
US 17 through Chocowinity and Washington
2009 Official
2011 Official
US 17 bypasses Washington and Chocwinity
2011 Official

In July 2011 (NCDOT), US 17 was placed on new freeway constructed from just south of the Craven/Jones line near Rhems to US 70, then added to more US 70 freeway. The old route through Rhems and suburban New Bern became US 17 Business.
1960 Official
US 17 in New Bern (1960-2001)
1960 Official
2002 Official
US 17 in New Bern (2001-11)
2002 Official
2013-14 Official
US 17 in New Bern (since 2011)
2013-14 Official

1936 Onslow County
Original Jacksonville routing
1936 Onslow County
1944 Onslow County
US 17 bypasses central Jacksonville
1944 Onslow County
2008 Official
US 17 bypasses more of Jacksonville
2008 Official

In May 2017 (NCDOT), US 17 was rerouted back through Wilmington replacing US 17 Business across the Cape Faer River, then following US 76 out to Oleander, then north on Military Cutoff (was once US 17 TRUCK) back to Ocean Highway and replacing more US 17 Business back out to the NC 140 freeway. The old bypass of Wilmington remained parts of US 421, I-140, and NC 140.

1971 Official
US 17 rerouted to new bridge
1971 Official
2007 Official
US 17 moved well north of Wilmington
2007 Official
2019-20 Official
US 17 moved back through Wilmington
2019-20 Official

In 2018, US 17 was placed on a new bypass of Mayesville with the old route becoming US 17 Business.
Also in 2018, US 17 was placed on a partially completed bypass of Pollocksville to NC 58, then follows NC 58 east back to the original routing. The old routing did not become a business route.
In November 2019, US 17 was placed on new freeway connecting the Pollocksville and New Bern Bypasses. The old route became more US 17 Business.

2017-18 Official
US 17 through Mayesville and pollocksville
2017-18 Official
2021-22 Official
US 17 bypasses Mayesville and pollocksville
2021-22 Official

US 17 is a major north-south corridor in eastern North Carolina...only about 45 miles are still 2-lane, with 10 of those under construction to widen as of March 2025.
US 17 has mileposts at least from S.C. to Wilmington and from near Woodville to Virginia. Freeway locations in between also have them.
The US 17-70 interchange east of New Bern is partially over the Neuse River and is a treat to drive through.
For years there was a US 17 Truck signed on US 76 and Military Cutoff east of Wilmington. This was removed when US 17 was placed onto the new freeway that includes I-140.

Last Update: 1 March 2025

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