The Highways of North Carolina
U.S. 13-A 
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U.S. 13-A  dead
Formerly: The 1st US 13-A was born in December 1956 when US 13 was extended south of Windsor. US 13-A was added to US 17-A and US 64-A through Williamston along Main St. This is explicitly in 1960 correspondence with AASHO. It was not likely posted but was changed to unposted US 13 Business in 1960. Today it is SR 1450 River Rd, part of US 17 Bus and SR 1444 along Main St. Never seen a map that shows this.

1960 AASHO correspondence
US 13-A Williamston
1960 AASHO correspondence

The 2nd US 13-A was born in 1957 as a renumbering of mainline US 13 through Windsor. US 13-A utilized King St and Granville St through town. US 13-A was cosigned with US 17-A on the Granville St. portion.
US 13-A was renumbered as US 13 Business in 1960.
The entirety of US 13-A was once the original route of NC 30

1958 Official
US 13-A Windsor
1958 Official
1962 Bertie County
US 13-A becomes US 13 Business
1962 Bertie County
There may have been one other US 13-A, in Powellsville. I'm not 100% convinced it was real, but it is on the 1962 Bertie County map. Not sure if it went through Powellsville or was just the southern half and if that, why not NC 350-A? In any case, today it is SR 1321.
1962 Bertie County
US 13-A in Powellsville?
1962 Bertie County

Last Update: 28 February 2025

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