The Highways of North Carolina
U.S. 17-1W 
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U.S. 17-1W  C'mon man...really?
Formerly: US 17-1W came about after NC 40 was rerouted in Feb 1930 to run Weldon-Garysburg-Pleasant Hill (repacing NC 481) and the State Highway Commission said US 17-1 followed NC 40. AASHO was alerted a few months later and in August 1930 the State Engineer ordered that US 17-1 return to the Roanoke Rapids routing, and floating the idea of requesting US 17-1E and US 17-1W to preserve the policy that no town loses a US route once they got one. US 17-1W would of course run Weldon-Roanoke Rapids-Pleasant Hill.
However, In June 1931 (AASHO), US 17-1 was officially rerouted to the Weldon-Garysburg-Pleasant Hill routing.
Today the US 17-1W routing is US 158, Julian Allsbrook Hwy and NC 48.
1931 NCDOT
US 17-1's original and proposed routes out of Weldon
May 1931 NCDOT submission to AASHO

Last Update: 6 March 2025

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