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Northbound US 1/US 301 at the Appomattox
River, in the city of Petersburg. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken
December 24, 2004. |
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Eastbound US 360 at the Appomattox River,
entering Chesterfield County. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken
September 11, 2008. |
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Northbound US 29 at the Bannister River, near
Tightsqueeze, Pittsylvania County. Photo by Mapmikey, taken October 21, 2010. |
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Eastbound US 360 at the Bannister River, Halifax County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
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Eastbound VA 360 at the Bannister River, near
Halifax, Halifax County. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken May 29, 20er 21, 2010. |
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Westbound US 460 at the Big Otter River, Bedford County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
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Eastbound US 58/US 258 at the Blackwater
River, entering the city of Suffolk. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken May
17, 2004. |
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Westbound BUSINESS US 58/BUSINESS US 258 at
the Blackwater River, entering the city of Franklin. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken
July 28, 2007. |
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Westbound US 460 at the Blackwater River, at Zuni, entering Southampton County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
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Southbound US 29 at the Buffalo River, near Amherst, Amherst County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
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Northbound VA 42 at the Calfpasture River, at Goshen, Rockbridge County. Photo by Mapmikey, taken October 8, 2010. |
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Westbound US 60/VA 33 at the Chickahominy River, at Bottoms Bridge, entering Henrico County. Photo by Mapmikey, taken October 16, 2012. |
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Northbound US 23/US 58/US 421 at the Clinch
River, west of Gate City, Scott County. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken
September 1, 2007. |
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Westbound VA 230 at the Conway River, near Hood, entering Greene County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
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Eastbound VA 269 at the Cowpasture River, at Sharon, Alleghany County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
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Westbound US 29-58 at the Dan River, at the City of Danville. Photo by Mapmikey, taken March 23, 2012. |
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Westbound US 360 at the Dan River, near South Boston, Halifax County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
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Eastbound US 360 at the Dan River, near South Boston, Halifax County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
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Westbound US 33 at the Dry River,
northwest of Harrisonburg, Rockingham County. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken
June 4, 2008. |
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Eastbound US 460 at the East River, at Glen Lyn, Giles County. Photo by Mapmikey, taken October 8, 2010. |
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Northbound US 29 at the Hardware River, near Red Hill, Albemarle County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
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Northbound US 522 at the Hazel River, near Griffinsburg, Culpeper County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
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Northbound VA 224 at the North Fork of the
Holston River, near Weber City,
Scott County. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken June 23, 2007. |
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Westbound US 58 at the Hyco River, near Aaron Creek, Halifax County. Photo by Mapmikey, taken October 21, 2010. |
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Southbound US 501 at the Hyco River, near Cluster Springs, Halifax County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
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Eastbound VA 84 at the Jackson River, near near Vanderpool, Highland County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
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Northbound I-95 at the James River, City of Richmond. Photo by Mapmikey. |
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Northbound US 15 at the James River, southwest
of Dixie, entering Fluvanna County. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken May 31, 2008. |
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Northbound VA 288 at the James River, west of
Richmond, entering Goochland County. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken October 30, 2004. |
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Northbound I-664 at the James River,
Monitor-Merrimac Bridge Tunnel, city of Suffolk. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken
October 17, 2004. |
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Westbound US 460 at the Lafayette River, City of Norfolk. Photo by Mapmikey. |
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Westbound US 460 at the Little Otter River, near Bedford, Bedford County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
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Eastbound I-64 at the Maury River, near Lexington, Rockbridge County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
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Eastbound VA 182 at the Machipongo River,
east of Painter, Accomack County. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken
July 20, 2007. |
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Eastbound US 250 at the Middle River, near Churchville, Augusta County. Photo by Mapmikey, taken October 8, 2010. |