Westbound US 58 at the Nanesmond River, City of Suffolk. Photo by Mapmikey. |
Northbound VA 93 at the New River, near Mouth
of Wilson, Grayson County. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken September
1, 2007. |
Westbound VA 208 at the Ni River, near Spotsylvania CH, Spotsylvania County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
Northbound VA 42 at the North River, at Bridgewater, Rockingham County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
Southbound US 1 at the Nottoway River, near McKenney, entering Brunswick County. Photo by Mapmikey, taken October 21, 2010. |
Northbound VA 35/BUSINESS US 58 at the
Nottoway River, near Courtland, Southampton County. Photo by Adam
Froehlig, taken July 28, 2007. |
Southbound VA 35/BUSINESS US 58 at the
Nottoway River, near Courtland, Southampton County. Photo by Adam
Froehlig, taken July 28, 2007. |
Eastbound VA 40 at the Nottoway River, east of
Sussex, Sussex County. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken July 28,
2007. |
Westbound US 58 at the Nottoway River, near
Courtland, Southampton County. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken July
28, 2007. |
Northbound I-95 at the Nottoway River, north
of Stony Creek, northern Sussex County. Photo by Adam Froehlig,
taken July 28, 2007. |
Northbound US 301 at the Nottoway River, north
of Stony Creek, northern Sussex County. Photo by Adam Froehlig,
taken December 24, 2004. |
Northbound US 301/VA 2 at the Pamunkey River,
north of Hanover, entering Caroline County. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken December 24, 2004. |
Eastbound VA 3 at the Piankatank River, near Soles, entering Mathews County. Photo by Mapmikey, taken April 24, 2012. |
Northbound US 15 at the Potomac River, north
of Leesburg, entering Maryland. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken
April 18, 2003. |
Northbound US 301 at the Potomac River, north
of Dahlgren, entering Maryland. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken
September 11, 2008. |
Southbound VA 70 at the Powell River, south of
Jonesville, Lee County. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken September 1,
2007. |
Westbound VA 230 at the Rapidan River, near Hood, Madison County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
Southbound VA 231 at Liberty Mills, entering Orange County. Photo by Mapmikey, taken April 23, 2013. |
Westbound VA 3 at the Rappahannock River,
entering the city of Fredericksburg. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken
February 1, 2004. |
Northbound US 15/US 29 at the Rappahannock
River, near Remington, entering Fauquier County. Photo by Adam
Froehlig, taken May 31, 2008. |
Eastbound US 360 at the Rappahannock River,
near Tappahannock, entering Richmond County. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken September 11,
2008. |
Northbound US 15 at the Rivanna River, near
Palmyra, Fluvanna County. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken May 31,
2008. |
Southbound US 11-460 at Lafayette, Roanoke County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
Southbound US 15 at the Robinson River, near Locust Dale, Orange County. Photo by Mapmikey, taken April 23, 2013. |
Southbound US 29 at the Robinson River, near Madison CH, Madison County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
Northbound US 29/VA 6 at the Rockfish River, at Woods Mill, Nelson County. Photo by Mapmikey, taken October 21, 2010. |
Westbound VA 230 at the South River, near Stanardsville, Greene County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
Southbound US 29 at the Staunton River, near Hurt, entering Pittsylvania County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
Eastbound VA 92 at the Staunton River, near
Clover, entering Charlotte County. This bridge has since been
closed to traffic. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken May 29, 2004. |
Westbound US 360 at the Staunton River,
near Clover, entering Halifax County. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken September 11, 2008. |
Northbound US 522 at the Thornton River, at Sperryville, Rappahannock County. This bridge has been replaced. Photo by Mapmikey. |
Southbound US 29 at the Tye River, near Amherst CH, Amherst County. Photo by Mapmikey. |
Northbound VA 203 at the Yeocomico River, near
Kinsale, Westmoreland County. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken
September 11, 2008. |
Southbound US 17 at the York River, Coleman
Bridge, near Yorktown. Photo by Adam Froehlig, taken August 8,
2004. |