1957 Route Log 
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Road Data: June 1957, Virginia Department of Highways
Distance Data: No distances given
Notes: This is the official 1957 route log of Virginia, scanned in its entirety. The logbook contained an index, followed by a listing of all routes' descriptions, followed by a list of 39 legislatively named routes in place at that time, followed by a list of 58 legislatively named bridges in place at that time, followed by a list and description of the US routes in Virginia (including banner routes).

Click on the thumbnails below to see the scanned pages of the logbook.

June 1957


US 1-VA 5

VA 5-VA 13

VA 13-VA 20 ALT

US 21-US 29 ALT


VA 40-US 50

US 50-US 58 Bus

US 58 ALT-VA 67

VA 67-VA 85

VA 86-VA 100Y

VA 101-VA 119

VA 120-VA 132Y

VA 133-VA 149

VA 150-VA 162

VA 163-VA 174

VA 174-VA 189

VA 190-VA 203

VA 204-VA 218

US 219-VA 235

VA 235-VA 251

VA 251-VA 266

VA 267-VA 293

VA 294-VA 310

VA 310-VA 326

VA 327-VA 341

VA 341-VA 356

VA 356-US 501

US 501-522; Legislative Routes pg. 1

Legislative Routes pgs. 2-3

Legislative Routes pgs. 4-5

Legislative Routes pgs. 6-7

Legislative Routes pgs. 8-9

Legislative Bridges pgs. 1-2

Legislative Bridges pgs. 3-4

Legislative Bridges pgs. 5-6

Legislative Bridges pgs. 7-8

Legislative Bridges pg. 9, US Routes 1-11 ALT

US Routes 11 ALT-29 ALT

US Routes 33-211

US Routes 211-360

US Routes 360-522