VA 368 < VA 367
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Photo: Unposted VA 368 leaving Wards Ferry Rd (photo by Mapmikey, July 2006) |
City of Lynchburg To:
Central Virginia Community College
Total Length: 1.24 miles
Creation: VA 368 was created in Aug 1969 (CTB) as new primary routing, running as it does today. This is the only VA 368.
Adjustments: None
Improvements: paved upon inception; no multilane segments
Posted: Not posted back to at least the mid 1990s
Multiplexes: None
Legislative names: None
Other names: Harvard St
Scenic Byway: No segments
Comment: VA 368 contains two roads: one connecting 29 Bus to Wards Ferry Rd and a road around the backside of the campus.
VA 368 does not appear on officials, county maps and was not on an early 90s VDOT City Atlas map either.
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Page last modified
10 September 2022