Previous I-265's:
I-265: Appearing as an interstate corridor in the 1955 Yellow Book, I-265 was requested by Tennessee in July 1958 to run from I-40 around the west of Downtown Nashville to I-24/65. This had been designated F65 as a placeholder in earlier documents. AASHO approved this in August 1958.
I-265 showed up on Tennessee Officials as dotted lines by 1964 and was first shown completed in 1971. There was just one exit between I-40 and I-24/65, at US 41A.
In March 2000, Tennessee requested I-265 be redesignated as part of I-65 to relieve traffic on the eastern loop. AASHTO approved this in April 2000.

I-265 dotted lines
1966 Davidson County

I-265 opened
1975 Davidson County

I-265 replaced by I-65
2009 Official