The Highways of North Carolina
N.C. 110 
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Photo: NC 110 north beginning ahead (Matt Craig)
NC 110
N.C. 110  6 miles
The Road: Begins at US 276/NC 215 near Woodrow and ends at US 19-23 Canton, all within Haywood County.
Towns and Attractions: Haywood Co: Canotn
History: Current NC 110 was born through the action that killed NC 110 #2 in September 1967. It replaced an unknown secondary designation from US 276/NC 215 near Woodrow to US 19-23 Canton. All of this had once been part of NC 110 #2 at one time except right in Canton the NB split used Adams St to reach US 19-23 SB.
In March 1987 (NCDOT), NC 110 was placed on current Pisgah St leaving behind Old Pisgah St, with the one-way splits removed since the new Pigsah St met at the Sorrels intersection.

The first NC 110 was born in late 1928 as a Newton Bypass that created legal hassles for the state a few years prior. Details of this episode are located on the NC 10 page. US 70 was assigned to the entirety of NC 110 soon after its creation. In 1930, NC 110 was renumbered as NC 10-A

1930 General Drafting
NC 110 bypassing Newton
1930 General Drafting
1930 Official
NC 10-A bypassing Newton
1930 Official

The second NC 110 appeared in 1932 as new primary routing, running from NC 284 (now SR 1105/1876 jct) Woodrow north to US 19-23/NC 10 Canton.
In 1937 or 1938, NC 284 was moved to the current US 276 route through the area. The 1938 Haywood County Map is ambiguous about what happened with NC 110. It was most likely extended southeast along old NC 284 east (official maps seem to show this). However, the old NC 284 west routing is shown as primary, too (NC 110? NC 110A? NC 284A?)
Between 1942-44, NC 110 was put on new construction from Woodrow south to the current stoplight at US 276. This left behind SR 1105.

<1932 Texaco
NC 110 appears
1932 Texaco
1940 official map
NC 110 extended slightly south
1940 Official

In June 1966 (NCDOT), NC 110 was extended north with US 19-23, then replaced SR 1004/1513 Bridge St, SR 1513 Fiberville Rd (now Champion Dr) and SR 1582 Champion Dr to end at I-40. NC 110 was given one-way splits: NB followed US 19-23 NB on Main; SB followed US 19-23 SB on Park, then Sorrells, then US 19-23 NB Main to Pigsah St.
In August 1967 (NCDOT), NC 110 was rerouted to leave Champion Dr at Blackwell Dr, replacing SR 1559 Blackwell and a bit of SR 1523 Old Clyde Rd east to US 19-23, then along US 19-23, then replacing SR 1827 Penland St down to Woodrow, SR 1876 west and SR 1878 south to US 276, then east with US 276 to end at the old NC 110/SR 1110 intersection. In Canton, NC 110 still had one-way splits: NB used US 19-23 NB to Penland north to US 19-23 SB; SB used US 19-23 NB to Penland. The old NC 110 from US 276 through Canton to Blackwell became secondary other than its US 19-23 overlay. No map I've seen shows this.
In September 1967 (NCDOT), all of NC 110 was renumbered as NC 215.

<1967 Haywood County
NC 110 extended to I-40
1967 Haywood County
1969 Official
NC 110 replaced by NC 215
NC 110 #3 appears
1969 Official

Comment: NC 110 should've been extended south when NC 215 came into the primary system...not sure what the dual 110-215 routes to Canton accomplish.

Last Update: 13 March 2025

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