The Highways of North Carolina
N.C. 36-A 
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N.C. 36-A  dead
NC 36-A: Born in 1938 as a renumbering of NC 36 through Mars Hill.
In 1951 (AASHO), NC 36-A was killed when US 23 replaced NC 36 #1. South of Mars Hill 36-A became the second NC 36 (now just SR 1609). North of Mars Hill became just NC 213 (now Main St). North Carolina wanted to redesignate NC 36-A through Mars Hill as US 23-A since NC 36 was completely eliminated by the US 23 move. AASHO rejected this idea.

1936 Madison County
NC 36 through Mars Hill
1936 Madison County
1944 Madison County map
NC 36-A through Mars Hill
1944 Madison County
1953 Madison County map
NC 36/NC 213 through Mars Hill
1953 Madison County

Last Update: 16 March 2025

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