The Highways of North Carolina
N.C. 540 
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Photo: The empty NC 540 expressway (Brian Le Blanc)
NC 540
N.C. 540  33 miles
The Road: Begins at I-40/42 near Auburn (Wake County) and ends at I-40/540 near Nelson (Durham County) .
Towns and Attractions: Wake Co:Holly Springs, Apex, Research Triangle Park
Durham County:None
History: NC 540 opened as newly constructed freeway on July 14, 2007. This was a renumbering of I-540. Runs as it does today.
All set to be more of I-540 (Adam Prince)
NC 540
Actually opened as NC 540 (Bob Malme)

In Sept 2011 (NCDOT), NC 540 was extended south and then east to end at NC 55 Holly Springs.

2009 Official
NC 540 open to NC 55 Carpenter
2009 Official
2013 Official
NC 540 extended to NC 55 Holly Springs
2013 Official

In September 2024, NC 540 was extended east to I-40/42 as more newly constructed toll freeway.

Comment: I-540 was changed to NC 540 so that the expressway can be part of the proposed Triangle Expressway.
Adam Prince has a detailed description of the route itself in his blog. He also discusses why the designation change wasn't necessary.
Mapmikey wonders when NC 540 is extended to I-40 and I-540 meets from the other way, will NC 540 be renumbered NC 640?

Last Update: 14 March 2025

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