WV 107
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From: Hinton (Summers County)
To: Hinton (Summers County)
Total Length: 1.9 miles  
WV 3: 0 - 0
WV 20: 1.9 - 1.9
Creation: Designated between 1981-83 running generally as it does today as a renumbering of WV 3 ALT in Hinton. This is the only WV 107.
Adjustments: In 2003, WV 107 was placed on new alighnment to cross the railroad in south Hinton. This left behind a very old bridge plus some Pleasant St. The SB one-way pair stopped using 1st St and instead uses 2nd St to get to Main from the new alignment over the railroad.
Improvements: Upon designation, WV 107 was fully paved
Comment: WV 107 has no mutilane segments but has two one-way pairs that predate WV 107: In South Hinton, WV 107 NB uses Pleasant St and SB uses 2nd St and Main St. In central Hinton, WV 107 NB uses James St and 2nd Ave while SB uses Ballengee St and 1st Ave.

1957 Virginia Official
WV 3 ALT through Hinton
1957 Virginia Official
1983 Official
WV 107 through Hinton
1983 Official

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Page last modified 18 November 2017