WV 20: 0 - 0
WV 20 CONN: 1.0 - 1.0
WV 20: 0.5 - 0.5
Creation: Appeared about 1977 running as it does today. This had been the WV 20 SB routing of the original one-way pair west of Oak St (along with US 50 EB) and mainline WV 20 east of Oak St in Clarksburg.
Adjustments: None
Improvements: Fully paved upon inception; no multilane segments
Comment: Main St in Clarksburg. Signed with normal WV 20 shields.
Oak St is no longer the boundary of the one-way pair used by Main and Pike Sts. That distinction goes to Monticello Ave further west.
Original US 50 and WV 20 one-way splits in Clarksburg; WV 20 SB using Main St
1948 City of Clarksburg
Main St becomes WV 20S
1980 City of Clarksburg