VA 404
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From:  City of Norfolk
To:  City of Norfolk
Total Length:  0.53 miles  

VA 168: 0 - 0
VA 166: 0.53 - 0.53

Creation:  Appeared in Nov 1980 (CTB) as upgraded routing (although decades earlier it had been part of US 58) running the way it does now. This is the 3rd VA 404.
Adjustments:  None
Improvements:  Paved and multilaned upon designation
Posting:  Never been posted anywhere
Multiplexes:  None
Legislative names:  None
Other names:  Princess Anne Rd
Scenic Byway:  None
Comment:  Provides primary access from VA 166 to VA 168/Tidewater Dr.  Not that this is vital or anything.
VA 404 is not shown on Virginia Official maps.
VA 404 (1995 City of Norfolk)
VA 404
1995 City of Norfolk
Previous VA 404's:

VA 44: 0 - 0
Nottoway-Lunenburg Line: 4.40 - 4.40
VA 10 EB: 9.70 - 14.10
VA 10 WB: 1.67 - 15.77
US 60, VA 20: 2.20 - 17.97

VA 404 #1: Appeared in August 1928 as new primary routing. Ran from VA 10 (current US 460) Crewe south 2.05 miles.
In Dec 1930 (CTB), VA 404 north was extended west with VA 10, then north as new primary routing to US 60/VA 20 (now US 360) Jennings Ordinary. VA 404 south was extended 3.57 more miles.
Also in Dec 1930, a second piece of VA 404 was created, running as new primary routing from VA 44 (now SR 723) near Victoria north 4.40 miles to the Nottoway River.
In July 1932 (CTB), the original piece of VA 404 was extended south another 4.08 miles, connecting the two pieces.
In July 1933, VA 404 was renumbered as VA 136. Today it is VA 49 except: SR 693/652 loop near The Falls; SR 664 loop near Martins Corner; In Crewe VA 404 used Custis St and Russell St to zig-zag over to today's US 460. Then VA 404 left for Jennings Ordinary via Archer St, Maryland Ave and SR 630 back to today's VA 49.

VA 404 (1929 Official)
VA 404 initial route
1929 Official
VA 404 (1931 Official)
VA 404 expanded
March 1931 Official
VA 136 (1933 Official)
VA 404 renumbered as VA 136
1933 Official

VA 404 #2: Appears in the September 1957 CTB Minutes as a new road project around US 258 in Hampton. The December 1957 minutes show VA 404 also as a new road around US 17 Warwick. VA 404 became VA 168 in March 1958 (the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel began as VA 168 earlier than this). Today this is all part of I-64.

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