EXIT 2 - TN 181: 2.3 - 2.3
EXIT 7 - TN 182: 5.1 - 7.4
EXIT 13 - TN 78: 5.6 - 13.0
EXIT 15 - US 51, US 412 EB, TN 3: 2.9 - 15.9
Creation: Per Wikipedia, which references newspaper articles, I-155 was first proposed by Tennessee and Missouri in 1962, running from I-55 Hayti MO to I-40 Jackson TN.
Adjustments: In 1964, the Bureau of Public Roads approved I-155 from Hayti to US 51 Dyersburg.
By 1967, I-155 appeared as a dotted line on the Tennessee Official map.
In response to the 1968 Federal Highway Act, Tennessee requested an extension of I-155 from Dyersburg to I-40 Jackson. This was not approved.
In 1976, I-155 was opened from Missouri to now-TN 182.
In 1979, I-155 was opened from TN 182 to US 51.
Improvements: Upon designation, I-155 was 4-laned throughout, and remains so today.
New Exits Added: TN 181 (btw 1982-85).
Comment: If I-69 ever gets built south of Dyersburg, it would use some of I-155.
I-155 is also duplexed with US 412 for its entire length (both Tennessee and Missouri).
The extension to Jackson was still a possibility until the mid 1980s, and there is a 1985 EIS that includes this corridor, but the improved TN 20/US 412 that was built is a mix of interchanges and at-grades.
The 1974 EIS for I-155 shows an alternative routing was to meet US 51 south of Dyersburg.
I-155 to Dyersburg
1981 Official