US 58 Business
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us 58 bus view
Photo: US 58-220 Business crossing Smith River (photo by Mapmikey 10/26/06)

From: London Bridge (City of Virginia Beach)
To:  City of Virginia Beach
Total Length: 3.97 miles  
US 58: 0 - 0
US 60: 3.97 - 3.97
Creation: US 58 Business for Virginia Beach appeared May 1958 (CTB) as a renumbering of VA 164 (although it had been mainline US 58 in an earlier time) on Virginia Beach Blvd from Laskin Rd to Pacific Ave.
Adjustments: None
Improvements:  Paved upon inception; The first official map to show it multilaned was 1986.
Posted:  Fully posted, though less well at the oceanfront.
Multiplexes:  None
Legislative names:  None
Other names:  Virginia Beach Blvd
Scenic Byway:  no segments
Comment: US 58 Business is the oldest Business designation in Virginia.
On early officials (for some reason appears starting in 1957) the Business is actually shown in a separate banner!
1957 Official
1957 Official

From: Lawrenceville (Mecklenburg County)
To:  Lawrenceville (Mecklenburg County)
Total Length: 2.56 miles  
US 58, VA 46 SB: 0 - 0
VA 46 NB: 0.96 - 0.96
US 58: 1.60 - 2.56
Creation: US 58 Business for Lawrenceville appeared in June 1963 (CTB) when US 58 was placed on new expressway south of town.
Adjustments: None
Improvements:  Paved upon inception; no multilane segments
Posted:  Fully posted;
Multiplexes:  VA 46 (0.96 mi)
Legislative names:  Jefferson Davis Hwy (3-17-22 designation predates US 58); JEB Stuart Highway (3-14-28 designation predates US 58)
Other names:  Main St, Lawrenceville Plank Rd
Scenic Byway:  no segments
Comment: US 58 Business has a few turns just west of downtown. East of downtown it is also posted as TRUCK VA 46.
1965 Official
1965 Official

From: Gate City (Scott County)
To:  Gate City (Scott County)
Total Length: 2.65 miles  
US 23, US 58, US 421: 0 - 0
VA 71: 1.95 - 1.95
US 23, US 58, US 421: 0.70 - 2.65
Creation: US 58 Business for Gate City appeared in Oct 1966 (CTB) when US 23-58-421 was placed on new expressway south of town.
Adjustments: None
Improvements:  Paved upon inception; Multilane from about VA 71 east to Bypass
Posted:  Fully posted; Cutouts removed in late 90s.
Multiplexes:  US 23 Bus, US 421 Bus (entire route)
Legislative names:  None
Other names:  Daniel Boone Rd, W. Jackson St
Scenic Byway:  no segments
Comment: The Gate City bypass does not appear on officials until 1969.
1969 Official
1969 Official

From: Kilby (City of Suffolk)
To:  Magnolia (City of Suffolk)
Total Length: 6.69 miles  
US 13, US 58, VA 32: 0 - 0
VA 337: 1.84 - 1.84
US 13 Bus SB, US 460 Bus WB, VA 10, VA 32 Bus: 1.15 - 2.99
VA 337: 2.48 - 5.47
US 13, US 13 Bus END, US 58, US 460, US 460 Bus END: 1.22 - 6.69
Creation: US 58 Business for Suffolk appeared in Oct 1974 (CTB) when US 58 was placed on new freeway north of town.
Adjustments: None
Improvements:  Paved upon inception; Multilane from VA 10 eastward upon designation. Official maps since 1975 erroneously show the entire route as multilane.
Posted:  Fully posted;
Multiplexes:  US 13 Bus, US 460 Bus (3.70 mi)
Legislative names:  None
Other names:  Holland Rd, Constance Rd, Portsmouth Blvd
Scenic Byway:  no segments
Comment: Some postings are now in LGS unisign format.
1975 Official
1975 Official

From: Boydton (Mecklenburg County)
To:  Boydton (Mecklenburg County)
Total Length: 1.08 miles  
US 58: 0 - 0
VA 92: 0.48 - 0.48
US 58: 0.60 - 1.08
Creation: US 58 Business for Boydton appeared July 1978 (CTB) when US 58 was placed on new expressway north of town.
Adjustments: None
Improvements:  Paved upon inception; no multilane segments
Posted:  Fully posted;
Multiplexes:  None
Legislative names:  Jefferson Davis Hwy, east of VA 92 (3-17-22 designation predates US 58); JEB Stuart Highway, east of VA 92 (3-14-28 designation predates US 58)
Other names:  Main St
Scenic Byway:  no segments
Comment: US 58 Business in Boydton still has very vintage concrete as its paving surface.
1980 Official
1980 Official

From: near Franklin (Southampton County)
To:  Holland (City of Suffolk)
Total Length: 15.36 miles  
US 58: 0 - 0
Franklin-Southampton Line: 2.32 - 2.32
US 258 Bus SB: 2.80 - 5.12
Southampton-Franklin Line: 0.19 - 5.31
Isle of Wight-Southampton Line: 0.03 - 5.34
US 258, US 258 Bus END: 1.54 - 6.88
Suffolk-Isle of Wight Line: 5.11 - 11.99
VA 189: 2.65 - 14.64
US 58: 0.72 - 15.36
Creation: US 58 Business for Franklin/Carrsville/Holland appeared about 1982 when US 58 was placed its new alignment south of these towns. AASHO approved this in May 1970!
Adjustments: The traffic log shows US 58 Bus split (but not on one-way streets) in Franklin: EB uses Clay/4th St and WB uses 4th St/High St/Lee St/Clay St. The CTB showed mainline US 58 using the WB routing starting in 1970 and I have not found any reference restoring the current EB routing.
Improvements:  Paved upon inception; Multilane from US 58 west of Franklin to a little short of 4th St.
Posted:  Fully posted; cutout on US 258 Bus NB at College St.
Multiplexes:  US 258 Bus (1.76 mi)
Legislative names:  None
Other names:  Clay St/4th Av/Mechanic St (Franklin); Carrsville Hwy (Isle of Wight Co)
Scenic Byway:  no segments
Comment: Much of this US 58 Business is still rural with 55 mph speed limits.
1984-85 Official
1984 Official

From: near Courtland (Southampton County)
To:  near Courtland (Southampton County)
Total Length: 4.45 miles  
US 58, VA 35 SB: 0 - 0
VA 35 NB: 2.17 - 2.17
US 58: 2.28 - 4.45
Creation: US 58 Business for Courtland appeared May 1985 (AASHTO correspondence) when US 58 was placed on new expressway south of town. This had been approved by AASHO in May 1970!
Adjustments: None
Improvements:  Paved upon inception; Multilane on the easternmost half-mile of so.
Posted:  Fully posted;
Multiplexes:  VA 35 (2.17 mi)
Legislative names:  None
Other names:  Meherrin Rd/Main St (Courtland) ; Jerusalem Rd (E of Courtland)
Scenic Byway:  no segments
Comment: US 58 Business is a frequent flood casualty in the area of the Meherrin River Bridge.
1986 Official
1986 Official

From: City of Emporia
To:  City of Emporia
Total Length: 2.10 miles  
US 58: 0 - 0
US 301: 0.65 - 0.65
US 58: 1.45 - 2.10
Creation: US 58 Business for Emporia appeared Dec 1987 (CTB) when US 58 was placed on new expressway north of town.
Adjustments: None
Improvements:  Paved upon inception; no multilane segments
Posted:  Fully posted;
Multiplexes:  None
Legislative names:  None
Other names:  Market Dr/Atantic Ave
Scenic Byway:  no segments
Comment: US 58 Business has a direct ramp from I-95 NB that does not require being on mainline US 58.
1989 Official
1989 Official

From: near Martinsville (Henry County)
To:  Henry County
Total Length: 9.96 miles  
US 58, US 220: 0 - 0
US 220 Bus SB: 2.40 - 2.40
Martinsville-Henry Line: 0.72 - 3.12
US 220 Bus NB, VA 57 WB: 0.71 - 3.83
Henry-Martinsville Line: 2.54 - 6.37
VA 57 EB: 0.54 - 6.91
US 58: 3.05 - 9.96
Creation: US 58 Business for Martinsville appeared April 1993 (AASHO) when US 58 was placed on freeway south of town.
Adjustments: None
Improvements:  Paved upon inception; Multilane throughout
Posted:  Fully posted;
Multiplexes:  US 220 Bus (1.43 mi)
VA 57 (3.08 mi)
Legislative names:  None
Other names:  AL Philpott Hwy (Henry Co portions); Memorial Blvd/Starling Ave/E Church Rd (Martinsville)
Scenic Byway:  no segments
Comment: US 58 Business has a gorgeous bridge over the Smith River (title picture)
1994-95 Official
1994-95 Official

From: Ewing (Lee County)
To:  Rose Hill (Lee County)
Total Length: 7.00 miles  
US 58: 0 - 0
US 58: 7.00 - 7.00
Creation: US 58 Business for Ewing/Rose Hill appeared July 2000 (CTB) when US 58 was placed on new alignment north of these towns.
Adjustments: None
Improvements:  Paved upon inception; no multilane segments
Posted:  Fully posted;
Multiplexes:  None
Legislative names:  Daniel Boone Heritage Trail (since 4-9-88); A.L. Philpott Memorial Highway (since 3-3-92)
Other names:  None
Scenic Byway:  no segments
Comment: US 58 Business is erroneously shown as multilane on the 2002 Official.
2002 Official
2002 Official

From: near South Hill (Mecklenburg County)
To:  South Hill (Mecklenburg County)
Total Length: 3.95 miles  
US 1 SB, US 58: 0 - 0
US 1 NB, VA 47: 2.81 - 2.81
US 58: 1.14 - 3.95
Creation: US 58 Business for South Hill appeared in 2002 when US 58 was placed on new expressway south of town.
Adjustments: None
Improvements:  Paved upon inception; no multilane segments
Posted:  Fully posted;
Multiplexes:  US 1 (2.81 mi)
Legislative names:  Jefferson Davis Hwy (3-17-22 designation predates US 58); JEB Stuart Highway (3-14-28 designation predates US 58); A.L. Philpott Memorial Highway (since 3-3-92)
Other names:  Danville St/Mecklenburg Ave/Atlantic St
Scenic Byway:  no segments
Comment: US 58 Business could be eliminated here with the extension of VA 47.
2002 Official
2002 Official

From: near Stuart (Patrick County)
To:  Stuart (Patrick County)
Total Length: 2.01 miles  
US 58, VA 8 NB: 0 - 0
VA 8 SB, BEGIN VA 8 Bus: 1.01 - 1.01
VA 8 Bus SB: 0.50 - 1.51
US 58: 0.50 - 2.01
Creation: US 58 Business for Stuart appeared in 2004 (AASHTO) when US 58 was placed on new expressway north of town.
Adjustments: None
Improvements:  Paved upon inception; no multilane segments
Posted:  Fully posted;
Multiplexes:  VA 8 (1.51 mi)
Legislative names:  None
Other names:  Blue Ridge St
Scenic Byway:  no segments
Comment: US 58 Business east of VA 8 is a little twisty
2006 Official
2006 Official

From: Bachelors Hall (Pittsylvania County)
To:  City of Danville
Total Length: 11.54 miles  
US 58: 0 - 0
VA 51: 1.31 - 1.31
Danville-Pittsylvania Line: 0 - 1.31
VA 51: 5.90 - 7.21
US 29 Bus, VA 86: 0.75 - 7.96
US 360 BEGIN, VA 293: 1.74 - 9.70
US 29, US 58, US 360 EB: 1.84 - 11.54
Creation: US 58 Business for Danville appeared in 2005 when US 58 was placed on freeway south of town.
Adjustments: None
Improvements:  Paved and multilaned upon inception
Posted:  Fully posted;
Multiplexes:  US 360 (1.84 mi)
Legislative names:  None
Other names:  Riverside Dr, River St, South Boston Rd
Scenic Byway:  no segments
Comment: The useless duplex with US 360 is even more useless in Danville now that this is 58 Business
2006 Official
2006 Official

From: near Clarksville (Mecklenburg County)
To:  near Clarksville (Mecklenburg County)
Total Length: 3.44 miles  
US 58, VA 49: 0 - 0
US 15 SB: 1.72 - 1.72
US 15 NB, US 58, VA 49: 1.72 - 3.44
Creation: US 58 Business for Clarksville appeared in 2006 when US 58 was placed on freeway south of town.
Adjustments: None
Improvements:  Paved upon inception; no multilane segments
Posted:  Fully posted;
Multiplexes:  US 15 (1.72 mi)
Legislative names:  None
Other names:  Virginia Ave
Scenic Byway:  no segments
Comment: The traffic log says VA 49 goes this way, too but it is fully posted on the bypass, while US 15 is clearly posted to remain through town.
2006 Official
2006 Official

From: Meadows of Dan (Patrick County)
To:  Meadows of Dan (Patrick County)
Total Length: 1.92 miles  
US 58: 0 - 0
BLUE RIDGE PKWY: 0.93 - 0.93
US 58: 0.99 - 1.92
Creation: US 58 Business for Meadows of Dan appeared in 2006 when US 58 was placed on expressway north of town.
Adjustments: None
Improvements:  Paved upon inception; no multilane segments
Posted:  Fully posted;
Multiplexes:  None
Legislative names:  None
Other names:  Jeb Stuart Hwy
Scenic Byway:  no segments
Comment: There is really not much to Meadows of Dan. The 58 Business designation may solely be to provide access to the Blue Ridge Parkway, which 58 bypass cannot do.
2006 Official
2006 Official

From: Hillsville (Carroll County)
To:  Hillsville (Carroll County)
Total Length: 3.7 miles  
US 58, US 221 SB: 0 - 0
US 52: 1.2 - 1.2
US 221 NB: 0.3 - 1.5
US 58: 2.2 - 3.7
Creation: US 58 Business for Hillsville appeared Aug 2011 when US 58 was placed on a new expressway south of town.
Adjustments: None
Improvements:  Paved upon inception; no multilane segments
Posted:  Fully posted; cutouts were still up in late 2011
Multiplexes:  US 221
Legislative names:  Jeb Stuart Hwy
Other names:  Stuart Dr, Danville Pike
Scenic Byway:  no segments
Comment: Hillsville had always been a tough slog for US 58 through traffic.
2012 Official
2012 Official

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