VA 315
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VA 315
Photo: US 258 north at old VA 315 -- now VA 189 (photo by Adam Froehlig, Oct 2002)
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, City of Richmond
Total Length:  0.39 miles

Creation:  Appeared in May 1946 (CTB) as a 0.32 mile loop off Grove Ave into Robert E. Lee Memorial Park in Richmond. This is the 4th VA 315.
Adjustments:  In March 1956 (CTB), the access was reconfigured to a 0.28 mile driveway and the original loop (which dated back to at least 1925 - Sanborn Fire Map) was removed from VA 315. Google Maps Street View shows the driveway from Grove Ave is no longer a driveable road although it is a paved bike/walk path.
In May 1957 (CTB), VA 315 was extended east 0.094 miles to meet VA 161.
Posting:  Not at all
Comment:  I've only seen this on the VDOT City Atlas Book.
From 1885-1941 the park was the Confederate Soldier's Home. In addition to the Fine Arts Museum (opened 1936) the grounds also house the United Daughters of the Confederacy Memorial.
Despite what the mapscan shows, the connection to VA 161 has always been opposite Hanover Ave.

Current VA 315
1995 VDOT City Atlas

Previous VA 315's:

US 1, VA 31: 0 - 0
END VA 315: 2 - 2

VA 18: 0 - 0
END VA 315: 8.51 - 8.51

US 258: 0 - 0
VA 189: 1.5 - 1.5

VA 315 #1:  Appeared about 1926. Ran from VA 31 (curr US 1) Woodbridge to Occoquan. It had been part of VA 31 previously.
This became part of VA 25 in August 1928. Today it is SR 906.

1926 Official
Current VA 315
1926 Official
1932 Official
VA 25 replaces VA 315
1932 Official

VA 315 #2:  Appeared in August 1928 as a renumbering of VA 181, plus extending 2 additional miles. Ran from VA 18 Greenfield (curr VA 6) southwest to Brent Gap.
VA 315 was extended 4.51 more miles in Dec. 1930 (CTB Minutes).
VA 315 was renumbered as part of VA 313 in 1932. Today it is part of VA 151 (except VA 315 used parts of SRs 612, 613, and 627 in the Wintergreen-Nellysford areas).

VA 181 (1927 Official)
VA 181 spur to Nellysford
1927 Official

VA 315 replaces VA 181
1929 Official

VA 315 extended further south
1931 Official

VA 315 replaced by an extended VA 313
1932 Official

VA 315 #3:  Appeared in July 1938 as a new cutoff between US 158 (curr US 258) and VA 189 (curr SR 714) south of Franklin.
VA 315 became part of VA 189 in May 1943 (CTB Minutes).

1938-39 Official
VA 315 appears near Franklin
1938-39 Official
1944 Official
VA 315 replaced by a rerouted VA 189
1944 Official

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