Interstate 240 
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From:  Memphis (Shelby County)
To:  Memphis (Shelby County)
Total Length:  20.2 miles
I-40: 0 - 0
EXIT 12A (old exit 9) - US 64, US 70, US 79, TN 1: 0.7 - 0.7
EXIT 12B - Sam Cooper Blvd: 0.2 - 0.9
EXIT 12C - I-40 EB (EB only)(exit 10): 0.2 - 1.1
EXIT 13 (old exit 10) - TN 23: 1.6 - 2.7
EXIT 15 (old exit 11) - US 72, TN 57: 1.9 - 4.6
EXIT 16 - TN 385: 1.6 - 6.2
EXIT 17 (old exit 12) - Mt Moriah Rd: 0.8 - 7.0
EXIT 18 (old exit 13) - Perkins Rd: 0.9 - 7.9
EXIT 20 (old exit 14) - TN 176: 1.4 - 9.3
EXIT 21 (old exit 15) - US 78, TN 4: 1.4 - 10.7
EXIT 23 (old exit 16) - Airways Blvd: 1.7 - 12.4
EXIT 24 - Millbranch Rd: 1.4 - 13.8
EXIT 25 - I-55 (exit 6), I-69 SB: 1.0 - 14.8
EXIT 26 (WB only): 0.3 - 15.1
EXIT 26 (EB only): 0.5 - 15.6
EXIT 27 (WB only)- Hernando Rd: 0.3 - 15.9
EXIT 28 - S. Parkway: 1.5 - 17.4
EXIT 29 - US 78, TN 4: 1.5 - 17.9
EXIT 30 (NB only)- US 51, US 64, US 70, US 79, TN 3: 0.5 - 18.4
EXIT 30 (SB only)- Madison Ave: 0.1 - 18.5
EXIT 31 - I-40 WB (exit 1E): 0.6 - 19.1
EXIT 32 - TN 14: 0.8 - 19.9
I-40 EB, I-69 NB: 0.3 - 20.2

Creation:  I-240 was requested by Tennessee in July 1958 to run from I-40 downtown Memphis around the north, east, then south of Memphis to end at I-55/255. This had been designated A40 as a placeholder in earlier documents. AASHO approved this in August 1958.
Adjustments:  Per Wikipedia, which references newspaper articles, the first segment of I-240 to open was in 1962, from I-55/255 to TN 23.
In 1963, I-240 was open from TN 23 to US 64-70-79 Sumner Ave.
In 1971, I-240 was open from I-40 downtown north to Chelsea Ave.
In November 1971, Tennessee asked FWHA to approve renumbering I-255 as part of I-240. They approved this in December 1971. However, Tennessee didn't request this from AASHO until August 1973. AASHO approved this in September 1973. Tennessee gave 4 reasons for wanting to do this. Three of them were basically variations on the theme that I-240 didn't connect back to I-40. The other reason was that I-255 didn't connect back to I-55. They did not mention the March 1973 Supreme Court decision that prevented I-40 from being completed through Overton Park. Note that Tennessee was still considering building I-40 under Overton Park and didn't actually request I-40 be removed from Sam Cooper Blvd. until 1982.

1963 Esso

I-240 open around the south and east of Memphis
1963 Esso
1972 Official

I-240 open I-40 to TN 14
1972 Official
1976 Official

I-240 replaces I-255 and open to Chelsea Ave
1976 Official

In 1980, I-240 was opened between Chelsea Ave and US 64-70-79 Sumner Ave, completing the full loop.
In May 1982, Tennessee requested I-240 be replaced by I-40 from downtown around the north of Memphis to I-40 east of Memphis. AASHTO approved this in July 1982. Tennessee official maps showed an I-40/240 overlay until at least 1989.

1986 Official

I-240 open everywhere, I-40 added to it
1986 Official
1993 Official

I-240 dropped from I-40
1993 Official

In 2006, the reconstruction of the I-40/240 downtown interchange resuled in I-240 being extended to a little north of TN 14 before merging with I-40.
Improvements: Upon opening, I-240 was 4-laned from I-55/255 east and north to US 64-70-79
The replacement of I-255 and the opening around the north of Memphis was 6-laned.
In 2003, I-240 was 8-laned from US 78 Lamar to Mt. Moriah Rd
In 2014, I-240 was 8-laned from TN 385 to TN 23.
In 2017, I-240 was 10-laned from TN 23 to US 64-70-79.
New Exits Added: Millbranch Rd (1986)
TN 385 (1994)
Comments:  If I-69 is ever posted through Memphis, will I-240 be truncated again?

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Page last modified 3 August 2024