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Kentucky State Line: 0 - 0 US 52 SB: 0.1 - 0.1 KY STATE LINE: 1.0 - 1.1 GAP IN ROUTE KY STATE LINE: 0 - 1.1 KY STATE LINE: 0.8 - 1.9 GAP IN ROUTE KY STATE LINE: 0 - 1.9 US 52 NB: 4.6 - 6.5 WV 65 NB: 4.3 - 10.8 WV 65 SB: 0.5 - 11.3 Logan-Mingo Line: 8.8 - 20.1 WV 73: 5.8 - 25.9 WV 10: 9.7 - 35.6 Boone-Logan Line: 2.9 - 38.5 WV 85: 13.0 - 51.5 WV 3 EB: 0.6 - 52.1 WV 3 WB: 5.1 - 57.1 Lincoln-Boone Line: 2.0 - 59.1 Boone-Lincoln Line: 0.1 - 59.2 Kanawha-Boone Line: 2.2 - 61.4 Lincoln-Kanawha Line: 1.1 - 62.5 Kanawha-Lincoln Line: 4.7 - 67.2 WV 214: 5.3 - 72.5 WV 214, WV 601: 2.9 - 75.4 US 119 SPUR: 3.1 - 78.5 I-64 WB (exit 58A): 0.4 - 78.9 I-64 EB (exit 58B): 0.2 - 79.1 US 60: 0.4 - 79.5 I-79 (exit 1): 4.1 - 83.6 WV 114: 3.3 - 86.9 WV 4: 13.7 - 100.6 Roane-Kanawha Line: 4.8 - 105.4 WV 36: 23.3 - 128.7 US 33 WB: 0.8 - 129.5 Calhoun-Roane Line: 7.7 - 137.2 WV 16 SB: 6.6 - 143.8 WV 16 NB: 1.7 - 145.5 Gilmer-Calhoun Line: 6.6 - 152.1 WV 5 WB: 16.7 - 168.8 WV 5 EB: 1.1 - 169.9 WV 47: 9.0 - 178.9 Lewis-Gilmer Line: 0.2 - 179.1 US 19 SB: 17.1 - 196.2 US 19 NB: 0.1 - 196.3 I-79 (exit 99), US 48 BEGIN: 2.7 - 199.0 Upshur-Lewis Line: 7.1 - 206.1 US 33 EB, US 48 EB, WV 20 SB: 5.1 - 211.2 WV 20 NB: 6.4 - 217.6 Barbour-Upshur Line: 2.0 - 219.6 WV 57: 9.3 - 228.9 US 250 SB: 2.2 - 231.1 WV 76: 3.2 - 234.3 Taylor-Barbour Line: 3.9 - 238.2 US 250 NB: 5.3 - 243.5 US 50: 4.3 - 247.8 Monongalia-Taylor Line: 10.1 - 257.9 I-68 (exit 1): 10.3 - 268.2 US 19, WV 7 WB: 3.7 - 271.9 WV 7 EB: 0.2 - 272.1 WV 705: 1.9 - 274.0 Pennsylvania State Line: 6.5 - 280.5
Creation: Appeared in late 1926 as an original US highway, replacing WV 4 from US 19/WV 7 (now WV 100) Westover east to Morgantown then northeast to Pennsylvania. This had been part of US 19 in the original 1925 plan.
Adjustments: In September 1934, US 119 was extended south and southwest to Kentucky at Williamson, replacing WV 56 from Morgantown to Philippi (Morgantown to Westover remained part of WV 7); replacing WV 69 from Philippi to Hodgesville; added to WV 20 from Hodgesville to Buckhannon; added to WV 5 from Buckhannon to Spencer; replacing WV 14 from Spencer to Clendenin; added to WV 4 from Clendenin to Charleston; added to US 21-60 through Charleston; replacing WV 2 from Charleston to Pie; added to US 52 from Pie to Williamson. The routing from Charleston southwest to Williamson and beyond was a renumbering of what was going to be an extension of US 123. Note that on Oct 24, 1934 West Virginia informed AASHO that they were not interested in the US 119 extension because the route didn't go anywhere. AASHO acknowledged their letter and explained why they thought US 119 was a good extension. I could find no further correspondence on this (WVDOH became preoccupied with US 50N-50S) and the June 1935 WV Official map does show the US 119 extension.
In 1935 (bridge date), US 119 was removed from CR 33/25 John/Arnold Sts in Weston Between 1936-37, US 119 was removed from CR 5/17 Pike St east of Spencer; CR 50/21 Blueville Dr and HARP 931 Haymond Rd in Blueville; CR 30 and CR 30/3 Wilson Ridge Rd north of Blueville In 1936 or 1937, US 119 was rerouted at Mountain View to meet US 52 at the Mingo County line. Up to then they met at the Island Creek Bridge.
By 1938, US 119 was moved from Addison to Lincoln St in Grafton. Between 1938-46, US 119 was removed from CR 5/24 Old Golf Course Rd east of Spencer; CR 119/36 in Webster; CR 119/16 Kelly Rd and CR 119/19 Boy Scout Camp Rd south of Morgantown. On June 13, 1945 WVDOH requested that US 119 ALT be assigned from Clendenin to Weston using WV 4 and US 19. AASHO replied June 27, 1945 indicating wouldn't it be better to move US 119 to the US 119 ALT route and downgrade US 119 from Clendenin to Spencer to a state highway? On July 5, 1945 WVDOH agreed to reroute US 119 as AASHO had requested. Then AASHO cancelled the 1945 Committee meeting. In September 1946 AASHO realized this US 119 rerouting was still out there and contacted WVDOH. in the AASHO letter they confused which route was supposed to be US 119 ALT, but did still say rerouting US 119 was still viable. WVDOH replied in a September 27, 1946 letter that they would like to change the US 119 reroute a little by having it follow WV 4 to WV 20 then north to Buckannon. On January 4, 1947 AASHO appears to have approved this change. On March 1, 1947 AASHO notified mapmakers of this change in US 119. About 1950, US 119 was rerouted in Williamson. Originally it came in with US 52 from the east on 4th St, then went into downtown using Harvey St, then turned south on 2nd St to cross the river into Kentucky. With the reroute, US 119 continued on Harvey across a new bridge to Kentucky. It appears the old route to Kentucky became US 119 ALT, which it partially remains today.
In December 1951, AASHO notified WVDOH that the US 119 reroute away from Spencer was never implemented on the WV State map, nor did General Draft and Rand McNally have it moved. WVDOH replied in April 1952 that West Virginia never changed the US 119 postings and to just leave US 119 the way it was. On April 12, 1955 WVDOH officially requested US 119 go back to its original route via Spencer. In 1956 (bridge dates), US 119 was removed from CR 119/26 Riverview Ave/Water St in Mt Gay and 2nd Ave/WV 10/Main St through Logan and placed on today's WV 73 and WV 10 through these towns. Between 1950-57, US 119 was removed from CR 119/2 north of Buckhannon. Between 1958-62, US 119 was removed from CR 33/2 Circle Heights east of Weston; CR 33/1 through McGuire Park; CR 12/5 Lady Slipper Dr loop near Buckhannon Sometime in the 1950s, US 119 was placed on one-way splits in Charleston with US 119 NB remaining on Washington St and US 119 SB using Lee St.
In 1963 (bridge date), US 119 was removed from CR 33/3 through Gaston and Homer Between 1971-77, US 119 was removed from Walnut and Beech Sts in West Grafton and placed on newly constructed Webster Rd. In November 1975 (AASHO), US 119 was placed on new Corridor G alignment from north of Logan to Madison. The old route became WV 17 and also a little WV 10 (now CR 210/25).
Around 1975, US 119 was placed on its one way splits alongside the I-64 viaduct in downtown Charleston. Maps conflict but as soon as the I-64 Kanawha River bridge was opened, US 119 may have been put on it, run over to Corridor G but then east back to McCorkle southeast to Kanawha City. The old route remains US 60 Washington St and the bridge to Kanawha City is now secondary. In 1976, US 119 was removed from CR 33/4 Hidden Ln west of Lorentz and CR 12 through Lorentz; In July 1977 (AASHTO), US 119 was rerouted out of Logan to replace WV 65 as its corridor bcame part of Corridor G to Belo plus new construction over to US 52 near Nolan which US 119 followed south to Williamson. The old route via Pie became WV 44 to Pie and US 52 west to Williamson (some of this is now CR 252/57).
In 1981, US 119 was rerouted in Williamson to use a new bridge into Kentucky northwest of downtown. This left behind US 119 CONN on Harvey St in downtown Williamson and US 52 northwest out to the new location.
In November 1982 (AASHTO), US 119 was placed on Corridor G routing out of Charleston to Danville, mostly as new construction but did replace bits of WV 214. The old route remained WV 61 across the river from Charleston and the piece between Corridor G and McCorckle became US 119 SPUR; remained WV 61 from Charleston to Marmet; became WV 94 from Marmet to Racine; remained WV 3 from Racine to Danville.
In 1989 (approved by AASHTO in June 1992), US 119 was removed from the rest of CR 12 west of Buckhannon and also placed on the freeway bypass around Buckhannon itself, removing US 119 from West Main St and some of WV 20 N. Locust St. In November 1994 (AASHTO), US 119 was put on new bypass of Mt Gay and Logan, leaving behind a little more WV 10, part of WV 73 and possibly an extended WV 44 (now CR 18). In November 1998 (AASHO), US 52-119 was placed on newly constructed alignments north of Williamson that had the route cross into Kentucky a copule times. The old route is CR 15 through West Williamson; CR 14 and 14/14 through Goodman; CR 252/4 north of Nolan
Improvements: Fully paved upon inception except for a large chunk between Blueville and Morgantown which was paved by 1938. The split routing in Morgantown was in place from the beginning.
![]() US 119 split routing in Morgantown always 1928 Official In 1976, US 119 was multilaned from Danville to north of Logan; also I-79 Weston to the Upshur County line Between 1977-80, US 119 was multilaned from Holden southwest to US 52. In 1982, US 119 was multilaned from Charleston to Danville. In 1989, US 119 was multilaned from the Lewis/Upshur line to the WV 20 interchange at Buckhannon. In 1997, US 119 was multilaned from north of Logan to Holden. In 1998, US 119 was multilaned from Williamson north to the US 52 split Comment: US 119's routing from Williamson to Charleston is 30 miles shorter than before Corridor G existed. Most of US 119 north of Charleston is not a preferred through route. There used to be a posted US 119 TRUCK in Stallings, to avoid a low railroad bridge at the WV 10 jct. Now this is WV 17 TRUCK. |
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